Cath Laboratory Nurse Currently needed in in Phoenix, AZ: Fast Hire Job
Enhance your resume working at one of the best teaching & transplant hospitals in the U.S. We currently need a few nurses in the Phoenix area who have strong Cath experience (EP is a plus). The facility is highly recommended by our travelers. Call 770) 225-3167 if you are interested.
- Cities in AZ
- 5x8s, 4x10s
- Opportunity to take a lot of call, if desired. Saturday, and Sunday).
- Length: 13 weeks, with strong likelihood of extension offer if hospital and traveler are a good fit.
Assignment Requirements:
- Minimum: 1 Year of EP/ Cardiac Cath Lab experience
- Preferred: Strong critical care experience
- State license in good standing (or pending, depending on time of submission)
APPLY NOW: Call 770-225-3167 or send Resume to | Reach out to me if you are looking for a healthcare job anywhere in the U.S.
Steve Yang
Senior Account Executive
Soliant Health
Direct: (770) 225-3167
Fax: (866) 386-9426
#eptravel “cath” [Ep Lab RN] “Cardiac Jobs” “Cath” “Best way to work and travel” “Electrophysiology” cathlab+ “Ep/Cath jobs” [Mr Cath Lab] “RN travel jobs” High Paying Travel opportunities” #eptravel “Cath” [Ep Lab RN] “Electrophysiology” +cathlab “Ep/Cath jobs”
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